Il The wedding of Sara and Ivan was celebrated in a nice little church near the city of San Donà di Piave (Venice). The beautiful wedding reception was in Villa Correr-Agazzi, close to San Stino di Livenza…the party was very very enjoyable !!! Congratulations to romantic newlyweds so enamoured!!!!
Tag Archives: wedding photos
La cornice sempre spettacolare della città di Venezia fa da sfondo unico a una coppia davvero elegante e raffinata: Liz e Colin, sposi innamoratissimi e sorridenti a Palazzo Cavalli, rendono magiche tutte le foto scattate in occasione del loro matrimonio super chic. Il ricevimento e la cena sono stati ambientati nella meravigliosa location dell’Hotel Ca’ Nigra, nel giardino sul Canal Grande.
The gorgeous setting of Venice city is a precious background to make this wedding photos of a very elegant and refined couple: Liz and Colin, newlyweds in love in Palazzo Cavalli (Municipal Building of Venice), make magic all this photos, taken during their very chic wedding. The wedding reception was in a breath-taking location: the garden close to Grand Canal of Hotel Ca’ Nigra.